Aphids are insects that pose a huge danger to many garden and horticultural crops, including currants.
The pest seriously weakens the plant, depriving its shoots and leaf blades of juice.
The insect also carries phytopathogenic viruses.

In other words, because of aphids, a summer resident may be left without a currant harvest.
Fortunately, the plant can be protected from the pest. And the desired result can be achieved without using expensive and rather dangerous "chemistry".
It is enough to simply plant a representative of the flora that repels aphids next to the currant bushes.
Ideal "neighbors" for currants
Do you want to provide your berry crop with protection from aphids?
Then plant any of the following plants next to these bushes:
- onion;
- garlic;
- parsley;
- marigold;
- daisies.
The first three plants repel aphids: the pest ceases to pose a danger to currants.
As a result, it is possible to save the harvest and collect a large number of tasty berries.
As for marigolds and daisies, they not only repel pests, but also attract insects that are beneficial to currants.