How to feed seedlings if they start to wither: you will forget about pale leaves in 3 weeks

08.01.2025 06:50

Many summer residents simply give up when they see that the seedlings on the windowsill have started to wither.

If your seedlings' leaves have turned pale and their stems have become extremely thin, try to help them with a simple but effective method - a solution of succinic acid with the addition of ammonia.

How to prepare a solution

The result will be visible if you simply dissolve succinic acid tablets in water.

But the effect will be much brighter if you include ammonia in the composition of the fertilizer.

For ten liters of water you will need 20 tablets of succinic acid, and after they are completely dissolved, you should add 20 milliliters of 10% ammonia.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is important not to exceed the maximum concentration so as not to burn the leaves.

How to treat plants

It is better to use the prepared solution immediately, as it spoils the next day.

Since plants respond better to morning spraying, try to complete all necessary work before sunrise.

And one more important point: you should use settled water at room temperature to avoid stress on the plants.

For a plant about 15 centimeters high, 50 milliliters of solution is enough. Focus your attention on the underside of the leaves, where the stomata are located, through which the solution penetrates the plant.

What result to expect

After a week, inspect the seedlings: if the leaves have become darker, this is a signal for a second spraying.

Usually by this time the stems are stronger and the plants look healthier.

In the third week, the last spraying is carried out using a slightly diluted solution.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. How to prepare a solution
  2. How to treat plants
  3. What result to expect