As is known, the color of hydrangeas is determined by the acidity of the soil in which they grow.
Therefore, the first thing a gardener who intends to recolor flowers needs to do is determine the acidity level. Special indicators or regular vinegar, which should be poured onto a small amount of dry soil, will help with this.
If you notice a lot of large bubbles, then the soil is alkaline, if there are just a lot of them and they are of average size, the soil is neutral, and if there is no reaction, then you have acidic soil.

How to water hydrangea to make it blue
Hydrangea flowers have a bright blue hue if they grow in acidic soil that contains aluminum.
To recolor a hydrangea, you will need to make the soil acidic using a solution of 10 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of citric acid, and one of these agents: potassium alum, aluminum sulfate, colloidal sulfur, etc.
How to Make Hydrangea Pink
To make the hydrangea bright pink, you need to lower the acidity of the soil - it should be neutral. To do this, regularly add dolomite, chalk or lime to the soil. You can also use phosphorus fertilizers.
The main thing is to ensure that the soil pH level does not exceed 7, since in too alkaline soil the plant may stop flowering and develop chlorosis.
For reference
Hydrangea is a genus of flowering plants of the family Hydrangeaceae, brought to Europe at the beginning of the 14th century for the wealthy classes, mainly in England and France.