How People Fight Weeds: Thanks to This Method, Craftsmen Forget About the Problem for the Whole Summer

02.01.2025 02:20

If you need to get rid of weeds on a small plot of land, then there is no better way than manual weeding.

The main thing, advises the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, is not to miss the moment of active growth of weeds.

The first weeding should be done in the spring, after the crops have sprouted. In the future, unnecessary grass should be pulled out as they appear between plantings.

At the same time, there are many other methods - unlike the above, they do not require as much effort and time from the gardener as weeding does.

How to get rid of weeds

Your chores as a responsible gardener do not end with planting plants – it’s high time to start mulching the soil.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Yes, yes, this is the very method that villagers and townspeople resort to en masse.

It is ideal for beds with perennials growing on them, and also for strawberry beds. According to farmers who regularly seek help from this procedure, thanks to mulch they get rid of problems with weeds for the whole summer.

What to use as mulch

If you are racking your brains over the question of what to mulch your plantings with to prevent the growth of unwanted vegetation, take note of the following options.

Mulch can be pieces of tree bark, sawdust, straw or hay.

In early summer, you can use freshly cut grass as a mulch, as this is when plants need nitrogen.

Cover the spaces between rows of young seedlings and transplants with a thin layer, which will stop the growth of weeds and give the cultivated plants the nourishment they need.

An important nuance

Do not cover tree trunks and plant stems with mulch, as moisture will accumulate under the mulch layer, which can lead to rotting.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. How to get rid of weeds
  2. What to use as mulch
  3. An important nuance