February is not a reason for summer residents and gardeners to relax.
Even in this winter period, there is important work for them.
Even if not to the same extent as during the season, some things still cannot be left without attention.

And what exactly needs to be done will be suggested by the constant companion of anyone who tries to grow crops with the maximum yield.
This is the lunar calendar. Let's see what it recommends and what it does not recommend for the next week.
February 10
It is not recommended to work with plants on this day, as well as not to plant or sow.
The exception is bulbous plants. But only planting. Picking, transplanting, watering and fertilizing are prohibited.
Today you can buy fertilizers, peat, humus, and garden tools.
You can also remove weeds in the greenhouse and spray the plants there to protect them from pests and diseases.
February 11
In principle, the recommendations are the same as the previous day.
But today it is also permissible to repair your garden tools and buy cutting tools.
You can't work with plants at all, even for sowing seedlings. You can only remove weeds in the greenhouse.
February 12
But on this day, the lunar calendar gives the go-ahead for planting and transplanting any plants in protected soil.
You can also do grafting, but not pruning.
If you want to spray plants, use only weakly concentrated solutions.
When watering, try to save water.
February 13
It is not recommended to plant or transplant garden crops.
However, they can be grafted and watered moderately.
You can also remove snow from your summer house and purchase gardening equipment.
Deciduous garden crops can be planted today. This includes cabbage, and tomatoes and cucumbers can be sown for seedlings.
You can sow and plant flowers.
February 14
In the greenhouse, you can root cuttings and plant or sow any garden crops.
And among garden crops, sowing and planting seedlings of cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini are allowed.
The calendar also does not mind vaccinations and feedings (weak concentration).
In addition, you can sow and plant flower seedlings today.
February 15
The day is considered favorable for preparing cuttings, treating them with root formation stimulants and rooting them in a soil mixture.
But don't put them in water.
Even if the greenhouse is heated, the calendar prohibits planting and sowing.
Organic fertilizing and moderate watering are permitted.
February 16
I don't mind the calendar of cuttings for rooting.
In the greenhouse, it is permitted to treat plants and structures with agents to combat fungi and diseases.
You can also thin out the seedlings and prepare the soil for sowing tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings.