Gardeners from Finland grow strawberries in a special way.
This method is good for its simplicity, as well as its effectiveness: the chances of getting a large number of tasty and sweet berries are maximum.
It is therefore not surprising that the approach has gained popularity beyond the northern European country.
Every summer resident should at least once try to grow strawberries the way the Finns do.
The essence of the Finnish method of growing strawberries
The main rule: seedlings must be planted on a special covering material.
But first, you need to choose a suitable place for the beds. The area should be well lit by the sun. The beds should be located from south to north.
Bushes must be planted in 1-3 rows.
The beds should be high. The desired height is up to 0.4 meters, and the width is from 0.5 to 0.6 meters.
A perforated hose or drip tape should be placed along the central part of the bed. The length of the selected element should be equal to the length of the bed.
It is necessary to connect the first end of the device to the watering hose and close the second end with a plug.
After this, you need to move on to covering the beds with material. You need to make holes in the latter. The diameter of the latter should be 7-10 centimeters.
The holes should be staggered and spaced 0.3 meters apart. The same distance should be between the rows.
Next, you can plant strawberries.
If you plant the plant in the manner described above and do not forget about important procedures (proper watering, fertilizing, trimming the runners), you will collect a rich and high-quality strawberry harvest.