After which to plant tomatoes: a simple trick to double the harvest

27.11.2024 20:59

Whether tomatoes will produce a good harvest depends not least on the planting location.

We tell you which plants tomatoes should be planted after.

After which to plant tomatoes

Tomatoes will feel good after cucumbers, zucchini, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, squash, turnips, and greens.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Ideal predecessors for tomatoes are pumpkins and cabbage (white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower).

It is better not to plant tomatoes after nightshade and melon crops, as they have the same diseases.

What can be planted after tomatoes? Cucumbers, onions, garlic, cabbage, zucchini, beans, pumpkin, beets, celery, lettuce, dill, parsley will grow well after them.

You cannot plant potatoes and other nightshades, as well as strawberries, after tomatoes.

For reference

Tomato is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Solanum of the Solanaceae family.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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