Anyone with any experience in farming knows that crop rotation is an important part of a good harvest.
However, not everyone observes it.
What principles of crop rotation are worth knowing?
Structure of the upper layer of the earth
If crop rotation is followed according to all the rules, the top layer of soil will always be of high quality and suitable for growing plants.

The reason is that its structure will not be disturbed.
Nutrients and Fertilizers
If you follow the principles of crop rotation, the soil will not be depleted. On the contrary, it will be a very nutritious environment, which will significantly reduce the need for fertilizers.
Pests and Weeds
It is worth remembering that crop rotation helps to reduce the number of pathogens of various diseases, as well as practically rid the garden of pests.
If you follow the rules, the harvest will always be high with minimal attention from the gardener. Therefore, it is still worth adhering to the principles of crop rotation within the framework of your practice.