How to get rid of many plant diseases with horseradish: not all gardeners know

11.08.2024 09:30

Many gardeners consider horseradish a weed because it grows too actively and is difficult to control.

However, with the right growing method, horseradish can still be "contained".

As a result, you can use the plant for preserves, homemade sauces, and other culinary tasks. But this is not the only way to use horseradish.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Few people know that it can be used to overcome many fungal plant diseases.

What needs to be done for this?

Valuable "porridge"

To do this, it is recommended to first chop the horseradish a little with a knife, and then put it in a meat grinder. We are talking about the roots of the plant.

Horseradish should be twisted to a pulp. After that, it can be buried throughout the plot. As a result, all crops will become less sick.


To prepare this remedy, you need more horseradish root: you will need to tamp a two-liter jar. Pour in hot water and wait 72 hours.

We filter the product and mix it with ten liters of water. Then we treat the soil: the pathogenic flora will not have a single chance.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What needs to be done for this?
  2. Valuable "porridge"
  3. Infusion

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