In order for the tomato crop not to be at risk, the vegetables must receive all the necessary nutrients.
One of the most important is boron.
However, its deficiency must be identified in a timely manner. Otherwise, tomatoes will develop extremely poorly due to the lack of the substance.

What signs will help determine if there is a problem?
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the plants themselves. With a lack of boron, the tops begin to look bad. This part of the plants becomes dry.
However, the remaining shoots may look quite normal.
If there is a boron deficiency at the time of flowering, the inflorescences will fall off in large quantities. Because of this, you can lose the harvest at the earliest stage.
The plants themselves also begin to look different. The color of the foliage and stems is no longer so bright: the tomatoes become light green.
If a boron deficiency occurs during the fruiting period, spots may appear on the tomatoes themselves.
Any boron-based fertilizer can save the situation.