If you want your beets to produce a good harvest, inspect the plantings periodically.
In some cases, nutrient deficiencies can be easily identified visually.
What signs are important to pay attention to?
Nitrogen deficiency
This moment is very easy to determine: when there is a lack of nitrogen, the tops begin to look extremely bad. The situation can be corrected at any stage of the crop's development.

Phosphorus deficiency
This deficiency is dangerous because the beets grow small and tasteless. Therefore, evaluate the tops: the presence of small leaves indicates that you need to apply fertilizers that contain phosphorus.
Boron and sodium deficiency
If there is a lack of sodium, beet tops begin to look reddish. If there is not enough boron, the tops develop poorly and may even begin to rot.
Potassium Question
This is an important element that beets need. The tops begin to dry out, spots appear. Red and purple shades also appear in the color.
If you do not fertilize in a timely manner, you may encounter necrosis.