In order for beets to grow as sweet as marmalade, they need to be fed with a certain fertilizer.
It is not too late to apply this fertilizer. We will tell you which fertilizer will help to significantly improve the taste of beets.
How to feed beets to make them grow sweet
The fertilizer is very simple, you will need only two ingredients: table salt and boric acid.

In 10 liters of water you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of boric acid.
Since boric acid does not dissolve well in cold water, you can first dissolve it in a small amount of warm water.
We water from a watering can over the leaves; for a bed 8-10 meters long and 80 centimeters wide, we need 10 liters of solution.
Before applying fertilizer, the bed must be thoroughly watered (if there has been no rain).