In order for potatoes to grow large, they need to be fed with certain fertilizers during flowering.
We tell you how to get a large harvest of large potatoes.
How to feed potatoes
To increase potato yield, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers three times per season.

The first time, fertilizers are applied during the budding period, the second time – during the flowering period, and the third time – 10 days after flowering.
For feeding during the flowering period, the drug "Borogum-M" is a very effective remedy.
Dissolve a tablespoon of the preparation in 10 liters of water and spray on the leaves in dry, windless weather.
You can also spray with a solution of potassium salt (10 grams per 10 liters of water), superphosphate (20 grams) and copper sulfate (2 grams).
Earlier we talked about why it’s worth planting lavender in your dacha.