Every gardener probably knows that earthworms are incredibly useful for the garden and vegetable garden.
An expert of the online publication BelNovosti, agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh says that gardeners and vegetable growers specially breed earthworms, make vermicompost, vermihumus, enrich the plot with organic matter - and all this so that earthworms breed.
However, not everyone knows that earthworms can harm plants.

If you think that the danger is that these creatures can damage the roots of plants, then this statement is only partly true - this does happen, but only if the earthworm is in a limited space (for example, in a pot with indoor flowers) and lacks nutrition.
In a garden environment, such trouble does not occur.
In fact, worms can only cause trouble if there are too many of them – in this case, they attract moles to the area, and these animals, digging up the soil, damage cultivated plants.
But this does not mean that summer residents should stop creating favorable conditions for worms.
The best solution is to catch the moles and take them outside the area (at least 5 km).
Earlier we told you what threatens eggplants in early July.