Many people know that tomatoes need to be protected from late blight in advance.
Otherwise, they may simply not be cured later.
Moreover, not all drugs are expensive.

What available tools are worth paying attention to?
Iodine solution
There is probably no simpler method of protecting tomatoes from disease than this one. You just need to carry out the spraying procedure.
To prepare the composition, only two ml of the preparation are added to a bucket of water.
This amount will be quite sufficient.
Potassium permanganate
This method has been used by many since Soviet times: it does not fail. You just need to dissolve the required amount of the product in a glass of water first.
When the crystals dissolve, you just need to pour the prepared mixture into a bucket of water. The mixture should be pink. High concentrations of the product can harm tomatoes.
After that we begin to spray and treat the soil under the tomatoes.
Earlier we talked about how to deal with aphids on currants .