What pests are afraid of tobacco dust: not all summer residents know

05.06.2024 19:07

Many people know from personal experience that pest control can be exhausting and difficult.

Besides, there is no complete certainty that you will win.

However, it is worth considering the option of using tobacco dust. It shows itself well in use.

country house
Photo: © Belnovosti

What pests are afraid of tobacco dust

For the protection of fruit trees

The product shows a high level of efficiency against aphids and whiteflies. It is also used to combat codling moths, leafhoppers, and weevils.

Beet Pests

There are not many of them, of course, but the beet flea beetle and beet leaf miner fly will forget the way to you.

"Contenders" for umbrella

There is no need to be afraid of carrot flies and carrot psyllids, so plants in this category will be completely safe.

To protect the bow

You can forget about the onion fly and the onion weevil. These pests will quickly forget the way to you.

The product is also effective against the cruciferous flea beetle, potato flea beetle, striped flea beetle and many others.

Earlier we talked about what you can feed the fat woman with .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What pests are afraid of tobacco dust
  2. For the protection of fruit trees
  3. Beet Pests
  4. "Contenders" for umbrella
  5. To protect the bow

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