Whether the potatoes will grow large depends not least on the planting method.
One of the most effective is the Ushakov method. How to plant potatoes using this method, was told by the expert of the online publication "Belnovosti", scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .
How to plant potatoes using Ushakov's method
Before planting, the soil is dug superficially (no deeper than 15 centimeters).

The distance between the holes should be 45 centimeters, the depth of the holes should not exceed 10 centimeters.
It is better to make holes with a shovel with a short blade. We fill each row with soil from the next one, then level it with the back of a rake.
When the bushes reach a height of 10-12 centimeters, loosen the soil under each one and then hill them up.
It is best to use a pitchfork with short teeth for this. No other tricks are required.
Earlier, the expert told what carrots don’t like.