Weeds were, are and will be on any summer cottage plot.
If you want to contain the expansion of weeds, use the advice of the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .
Black non-woven covering material
The advantages of this method include, of course, the fact that it does not allow weeds to grow, and also retains moisture and does not allow fungal spores to spread.

If you are interested in this option, choose the thickest material.
It is clear that non-woven material is also a kind of mulch, but in this section we would still like to talk to you about organic mulch.
This includes mown grass, manure humus, sawdust, etc.
Green manure
For example, rye has the ability to "crush" weeds well, which during the growing season releases special substances known as inhibitors. But here's the problem: cultivated plants also get "caught in the crossfire".
Previously, we talked about how to get rid of pests on your property using salt.