Many people know that sawdust is a very useful and valuable waste product that is actively used by experienced gardeners.
However, sometimes there are "complaints" about them.
It is believed that sawdust can negatively affect the acidity of the soil, as well as the amount of nitrogen in the soil. These features of sawdust can be neutralized with the help of certain additives, noted the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", landscape designer and agronomist Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

What can be added to sawdust
Calcium nitrate
This is a very common method of improving the composition of sawdust. After such treatment, you can forget about negative consequences.
You will need to take half a bucket of water and add one hundred grams of calcium nitrate. Also add half a small spoon of potassium humate.
This volume is enough for ten liters of sawdust.
Take two hundred grams of urea per half bucket of water. Dissolve the preparation. Then mix the composition with ten liters of sawdust.
Next, you need to distribute the sawdust into bags and wait 20 days. Then you can start using them.
Even if you have fresh sawdust, you can always "turn" it into compost. To do this, you will need to dig a hole about one meter deep.
Next we lay out the sawdust.
Cover it with a layer of ash on top. All that's left to do is wait.
Previously we talked about how to prepare high-quality bread fertilizer .