How to Fight Sciarids on Seedlings: Use a Popular Spice – It Has a Killer Effect

31.01.2024 12:08

When growing plants at home - no matter if they are indoor flowers or seedlings - problems with pests often arise.

In particular, we are talking about sciarids. According to the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , in addition to the fact that flying insects can cause inconvenience, their larvae in the form of small worms damage the roots of plants.

As a result of such exposure, plants begin to grow poorly, lose the ability to absorb nutrients and can become ill with various diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is important to detect pests in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate them in order to maintain the health and beauty of plants grown at home.

One of the effective methods of combating sciarids is the use of a spice such as cloves.

It is enough to stick a few buds into the soil around the plants, and their pungent smell will scare away insects that are trying to lay eggs in the pot with the plant.

Slowly released substances from carnation buds are destructive to sciarid larvae and prevent their development.

If the damage is very serious, try using another spice – cinnamon, which you should sprinkle on the ground.

Cinnamon also repels sciarids with its smell, and when it is moistened and swells, its texture becomes slimy, and insects that land on the surface of the soil simply stick to it and die.

Earlier, the expert answered the question of whether it is necessary to test the soil before sowing seeds for seedlings.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

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