The issue of seedlings will become relevant very soon, so it’s time to update the theoretical material.
After all, the harvest we get as a result will depend on the correctness of the work performed.
In order for the result to justify all our efforts, the quality of seedlings can be improved with the help of ordinary iodine, says Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, an expert of the online publication BelNovosti, landscape designer and agronomist.

How to use the product correctly
It is known that iodine is a necessary element for the correct development of plants. Seedlings also need it.
However, it is rare to find iodine in the soil in the required concentration.
Therefore, you only need to do one additional feeding, which is quite enough for the correct development of young plants. To do this, you will need to pour filtered water into a three-liter jar. Wait until the liquid reaches room temperature - you cannot use cold water, otherwise you can simply ruin the plants.
After this, add just two drops of iodine.
Then all that remains is to water the seedlings.
The next time you can think about adding iodine only after the final transplantation of plants into the soil.
Previously, we talked about how to combat common pests in your garden .