Summer residents whose “experience” is only a few years, or even months, often complain about the extremely meager amount of phosphorus fertilizers in a form that is quickly absorbed by the roots.
That is why you have to ask for advice from your “elders” – not by age, but by experience in plant growing.
There are only two answers to this question.

The first of them is to take superphosphate and pour boiling water over it - this way, as a result, you can get pure phosphorus fertilizer, albeit after a day.
The second recommendation involves the use of ammophos.
Why is the second option preferable? There are several reasons. First of all, it is worth mentioning that ammophos is a fast phosphorus for plants, the content of which in the fertilizer is about 50%.
Due to the low nitrogen content of approximately 10-12%, this composition can be used throughout the entire plant growth cycle, including during fruiting.
Thanks to ammophos, the root system of crops actively develops, as do shoots, leaves and fruits, and the plants themselves become resistant to both drought and numerous diseases.
To provide your garden plantings with all these benefits, add ammophos in dry form into the holes when planting fruit trees or bushes, evenly distributing 2 tablespoons of granules in the holes.
1 teaspoon added to the holes will be enough for tomatoes, peppers and potatoes.
To feed plants in summer, prepare a solution of Ammophos (2 tablespoons) and 10 liters of water, which should be used for watering at the roots.
Moreover, this fertilizer can also be used for houseplants by dissolving 1 teaspoon in 2 liters of water and pouring a glass into each pot.
Earlier we talked about which indoor plants need to be fed in winter.