Oh, you'll suffer: never plant these 5 plants in your dacha

19.11.2023 22:42

Unfortunately, not all plants can please lovers of vegetable gardens, orchards and garden plots.

There are some mischief-makers among the flora who will bring nothing but grief. Well, or almost nothing. In any case, they will cause more mischief than joy.

Next, we will find out what kind of capricious creatures they are, with whom it is advisable not to have anything to do for the sake of peace of mind.

Small-flowered periwinkle

The plant is very attractive in appearance. But, as often happens in our lives, beauty is closely adjacent to harmfulness.

In our case, this is true. Periwinkle is a big egoist, it spreads aggressively, so it can displace all other plants on your site.

Photo: Pixabay

Jasmine creeping

It grows very quickly and spreads at the same rapid pace.

Sometimes it enters into a fight not only with neighboring plants, but even with itself.


This plant is characterized by rapid growth and the ability to spread through seeds.

It can be a real headache for a gardener, as it is difficult to control and can take over the surrounding area in no time.


Surely most of us appreciate it for its aroma and real benefits. But there is a downside - it behaves very aggressively in the garden.

And since it spreads by roots, it is quite difficult to control.


The berries of this shrub are brightly colored and the branches are thorny. Therefore, the attractive appearance should not mislead: as the plant grows, problems may arise.

Some species of barberry are also an alternative host for rose black spot disease.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Small-flowered periwinkle
  2. Jasmine creeping
  3. Highlander
  4. Mint
  5. Barberry