Fully developed pepper pods have a bright and rich color, but sometimes the fruits remain green during harvest.
It turns out that there are two phases of maturity - technical and biological.
The technical phase is when the fruit is edible but not yet ripe. In the biological phase, the fruit becomes more aromatic, rich, and seeds are formed.

Between these two phases there is about a month. During this period the vegetable accumulates the necessary microelements and vitamins.
What else do you need to know?
Pay attention to the variety, as not all varieties are suitable for growing in a temperate climate.
Consider planting the Bogatyr, Lastochka, Merchant and Atlas varieties – they will provide you with a good harvest.
It is also important to pay attention to the rules of agricultural technology, namely temperature indicators, sufficient lighting and watering.
Create optimal conditions for the pepper - follow the planting pattern, add light fertile soil, water moderately and feed in a timely manner.