When to Remove Strawberry Whiskers: A Small but Important Detail

27.06.2023 17:26

A little more and all that will remain from the strawberry harvest will be canned goods, frozen goods and other preparations for the winter, as well as memories and beds that need further care.

Let's talk about one important detail that many gardeners ignore - removing strawberry runners.

Usually, summer residents leave young shoots to grow the variety they like.

It is believed that for this purpose it is even better to pluck the flowers so that the bush spends its energy exclusively on the development of shoots, and not on fruiting.

But if this moment is missed, then the main thing is not to be late with the deadlines.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When to trim your mustache

If they are not needed at all, then you can cut the shoots right during the fruiting of the bush. This will only benefit the harvest.

In other cases, you need to cut off unnecessary shoots on strawberries before the beginning of August.

If pruning is carried out after harvesting, then all damaged leaves and flower stalks are cut out at the same time.

After pruning, complex fertilizers are applied. This is necessary to prepare the strawberries for wintering and the new season's harvest.

They also carry out treatment against pests and diseases, and also water the berry bushes.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor