The Colorado potato beetle will forget the way to your garden: here's what smart gardeners use to treat their beds

22.06.2023 18:47

The Colorado potato beetle has long since taken a liking to the climate of the post-Soviet countries and feels great here.

Considering that for many people potatoes still remain the second bread and the abundance of areas sown with this vegetable, the beetle lives in Rus' healthily and comfortably.

All this time, gardeners do not give up and do not lose hope that one day they will be able to cope with the parasite.

Here's another way to add to your collection of tricks.

Summer residents suggest scaring away the beetle with the help of unpleasant odors.

Potato Flowers
Photo: © Belnovosti

It is believed that the beetle does not really like the smell of ash left from burning birch firewood, as well as sawdust from coniferous trees.

To scare away the beetle, you need to sprinkle these compounds between the rows of the potato bed.

It is best to do this during the flowering period. The bushes are then dusted with ash. It is recommended to do this on the morning dew or after rain, so that the moisture retains the ash.

Ash treatment is carried out at least three times during the summer. It is possible that the effect will not be as pronounced as after the use of pesticides, but the harvest will be guaranteed to be clean.

These treatments can be alternated with spraying the plantings with a vinegar-mustard solution.

To prepare, take 100 ml of 9% vinegar and 1 glass of mustard powder per 10 liters of water.

The ingredients are mixed, filtered and used for spraying.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor