Aphids are dangerous for the garden - they reproduce very quickly and move around the area.
It turns out that you can use ordinary spices, including paprika, to combat it.
This pepper is an excellent replacement for chemicals - the spice does not harm plants, driving away pests.

Take paprika and dilute it in half a liter of water. Let the mixture steep for 36 hours.
Next, strain the solution – handle the pepper carefully so that it does not get into your eyes or nose.
Now it's time to treat the plants. Dilute 20 ml of the mixture per liter of water, since this proportion is safe for the plant, but destructive for aphids.
To make the "tincture" stick better, you can add a little soap or dishwashing liquid. For ease of application, it is better to use a sprayer.
One of the components of paprika is capsaicin, which is a chemical compound that causes a strong burning sensation in most living things.