You can prepare a complete fertilizer for flowers with your own hands at home.
This type of feeding is very effective, and any flowers respond well to it; even the most frail and dead ones will immediately grow stronger and turn green.
What are the benefits of homemade fertilizer?
Any gardener can prepare this fertilizer, and you won’t have to do practically anything – it’s ready in 1 minute.

Vinegar dressing
To prepare it, we take regular apple cider vinegar (6%). It is taken at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
The prepared fertilizer is applied under the flowers in the form of root and foliar irrigation, approximately 50 ml each.
Infusion of eggshells
Another free and very effective fertilizer that will be useful for green plants in your home.
Boil a handful of eggshells in 1 liter of water over low heat for 5-10 minutes and you will get a valuable decoction for all types of flowers.
Dilute the cooled infusion 1 to 1 with clean water and add to the plants as needed.
Such simple fertilizers can replace expensive store-bought fertilizers.