Why Winter Garlic Should Be Planted in Summer, Not Fall: Here's What the Harvest Will Be Like

18.05.2023 10:17

Typically, winter garlic is planted in the last days of the first autumn month or in the first days of the second autumn month.

But many experienced gardeners perform this procedure at the very end of summer.

And there are at least two reasons for this. Firstly, it is easier to plant garlic in August than in September or October.

Secondly, the likelihood of obtaining a bountiful and high-quality harvest increases.

Features of summer planting of garlic

Usually by the end of summer, most garden crops have been harvested.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, in the last days of August, the summer resident has time to plant winter garlic.

In addition, during this period the conditions for the procedure are most suitable: the air temperature remains relatively high, and precipitation does not fall too often.

Winter garlic, planted in favorable weather conditions, will acquire protection from rotting and other dangerous processes.

In addition, the garden crop has time to properly strengthen its roots in the soil. This happens even before the first frosts begin.

What will the harvest be like?

If you plant winter garlic not in the fall, but at the very end of summer, the plant’s yield will most likely be high.

In most cases, the indicator is 1.5 times higher than usual. In addition, the heads are formed quite large.

Planting winter garlic in summer has another important advantage: the harvested vegetables will have good shelf life.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Features of summer planting of garlic
  2. What will the harvest be like?