When to start sowing seeds and seedlings: optimal conditions

12.05.2023 22:39

In May, the long-awaited warming comes, so summer residents rush to plant seedlings and seeds of their favorite plants.

Some gardeners are in a hurry to get a harvest of vegetables or berries. But haste is not welcome in this case.

Haste is fraught with problems with planting material, plants and, as a consequence, the harvest itself.

Spade and watering can
Photo: © Belnovosti

Optimal sowing time

You shouldn't start active work at your dacha before May 15. Only around this date will the soil warm up enough.

In such conditions, the seeds will take root faster, and the seedlings will take root in a new place more quickly.

What's the secret?

Plants take root, develop and bear fruit if there is a symbiosis with microorganisms living in the soil. In cold soil they are dormant, so the seedlings will take a long time to settle in a new place.

If a plant or seed is in the soil for a long time and development does not occur, there is a risk of rotting. For example, this often happens with onions and beets.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Optimal sowing time
  2. What's the secret?

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