Which plants are best left alone: top 5 poisonous and dangerous weeds

10.05.2023 12:11

Some plants are extremely poisonous and may cause burning, pain, or even poisoning if you come into contact with them.

It is better not to touch these 5 plants and avoid them, reports ADVICE.NEWS .


The juice of the leaves causes photodermatitis. This means that the juice, when it gets on the skin, provokes a chemical reaction under the influence of sunlight. A person experiences pain, itching, burning of the skin.

But that's not all - it causes blisters on the skin. If hogweed juice gets into the eyes, it can cause blindness.

Poison Ivy

Poison ivy also irritates the skin. This effect is caused by the oil contained in the leaves of the plant.

Photo: Pixabay

To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, do not touch poison ivy.


The stems and leaves of the plant have special hairs that stick into the skin and cause pain, itching and burning.

It’s no secret that even the slightest contact with the skin causes severe discomfort from nettles.

Deadly Nightshade

This is a poisonous plant, the consumption of which can lead to severe poisoning and death.

Additionally, skin contact with the leaves causes painful blisters.

Do not touch the plant or eat its flowers or berries.

Datura stramonium

This weed is also poisonous - seeds that enter the body of a person or animal can lead to death.

To protect yourself, do not touch dangerous and poisonous plants.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Hogweed
  2. Poison Ivy
  3. Nettle
  4. Deadly Nightshade
  5. Datura stramonium