How to combat garlic rust: treatment and preventive measures

28.04.2023 15:10

Garlic is not the most capricious plant of all garden crops, but it happens that it also needs to be saved.

One of the serious diseases that can threaten the future harvest of this crop is rust. But it can be fought, and quite successfully.

Where to start

Summer residents advise starting with prevention, because any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. It is important to know that fungal spores survive the winter and wake up together with the shoots of self-seeding crops.

Therefore, it is important to fight weeds in the spring, and also to remove any remaining vegetation in the garden in the fall.

When to fight

Until then, the disease may not manifest itself at all. But when it gets warmer above +10 and the air becomes sufficiently humid, the fungus will become active in full force.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In the early stages, infection may be indicated by white spots on the leaves, which will turn red or brown as the disease progresses.

It is precisely before this moment that you need to manage to defeat the disease.

How to treat

3-4 weeks before harvesting, you can carry out treatment with antifungal fungicides. The following preparations are suitable for this: Strobi, Topaz, and Quadris.

The solution is prepared according to the instructions and used on the day the affected plants are detected. The preparations slow down the maturation process of spores, and at the same time minimize the risk of infection of other plants.


1. In addition to fighting weeds and removing plant debris, you need to dig the beds deeply.

2. It is necessary to follow crop rotation rules and not plant garlic in the same place, or for 2 years where signs of infection have been detected.

3. At least once a week, you need to inspect the plantings, as fungal spores can be brought in from neighbors.

4. If the weather is cold and damp, do not water the garlic at the end of the day, or pour water on the leaves.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Where to start
  2. When to fight
  3. How to treat
  4. Prevention