You can't plant near the house: what folk signs say about walnuts

27.04.2023 21:56

Many myths and folk signs are associated with trees and bushes that grow near the house.

Beliefs can be treated in different ways, but one cannot deny the fact that this is the legacy of ancestors who have observed, noted and passed on accumulated knowledge for centuries.

Popular wisdom has not bypassed the walnut. The tree has such a reputation that even modern summer residents are in no hurry to plant it near their home.

Some people are afraid of troubles and misfortunes, while others are practical and insightful. Even without signs, a walnut tree is not the best option for a plot near a house.

Why you can't plant a walnut tree near your home

Summer residents who grew walnuts have collected a number of reasons why they were disappointed with this experience. We are talking about those cases when the tree grew quite close to the house.

Photo: Pixabay

Walnut is a large plant with a powerful root system, which is a serious threat to the foundation. Therefore, gardeners recommend planting this tree no closer than 8 m from any building.

For walnuts, you need to choose neighbors wisely. Not all plants get along next to the tree, which secretes special substances that suppress the growth of even some weeds.

Folk omens about walnuts

Ancestors believed that a walnut tree planted near a house could bring misfortune upon its inhabitants. The tree's reputation is that it supposedly takes away prosperity, prevents one from building a happy family life, and deprives one of joy.

In ancient times, people believed that evil spirits chose this particular tree. They allegedly lived on it and harmed its owners.

If you stay under the crown of a nut tree for a long time, you may get a headache. And if you eat an old fruit, you can get poisoned.

The basis of folk signs are the biological characteristics of the plant. The leaves emit phytoncides, which are harmless to humans in small doses, but long-term exposure causes problems with sleep, dizziness and headaches.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Why you can't plant a walnut tree near your home
  2. Folk omens about walnuts