What indoor flowers should you keep at home. They attract positive energy

30.03.2023 06:20
Updated: 14.04.2023 23:25

We suggest finding out what indoor flowers every housewife should keep at home. All living plants have their own energy. It can be positive and negative. Since ancient times, people have tried to decorate their homes with flowers.

People chose flowers for themselves based on their properties, some cleansed the house, some healed, and some, on the contrary, sucked energy out of a person.

Flowers and their properties

Poinsettia, or Christmas star, symbolizes positivity, joy and winter. You can admire the flower in bloom in December.
The flower will bring happiness during the New Year holidays with its green leaves and red flowers.

Spathiphyllum, or the flower of female happiness

It brings peace to the home of its owners. It also brings women true female happiness. If such a flower begins to grow quickly in an unmarried girl, she will soon get married. Married girls will live in harmony with their husbands and will forget what quarrels are.

Crassula or money tree

The plant brings financial well-being to the house. New leaves will bring improvements in the financial sphere to the owner. The flower cleanses the house from negativity. Such a flower grows better for Capricorns and representatives of the Earth element.

Photo: Pixabay


The flower strengthens the energy of loved ones. It blooms only when it seeks to help its owners get closer. Such a flower is placed in the bedroom. Since the flower gives peace and reduces stress, it is placed in the library. The flower relieves eye fatigue, so people with poor eyesight and those who read a lot should have such a flower.

Golden mustache, or collision

Fills the house with joy, heals emotional wounds, helps to lose weight and treats skin diseases. The flower renews feminine energy.


A flower will help restore a person's emotional state. A flower creates an atmosphere of love, desire, friendship and unity in the house. It makes you respect and care for each other, so the flower is given to newlyweds. There will be no quarrels in the family, and the relationship will be loving and attentive.


The flower transforms all negativity into positivity. The flower is grown by families who often welcome guests in their home. It transforms all negative energy into positive energy. Joy and a desire to create will reign in the family. Family relationships will become stronger.

Choose the flower that suits you best!

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Flowers and their properties
  2. Spathiphyllum, or the flower of female happiness
  3. Crassula or money tree
  4. Amaryllis
  5. Golden mustache, or collision
  6. Aloe
  7. Balsam