Many people are convinced that indoor plants have special energy, and some can even bring prosperity and happiness into the home.
But what kind of plants are these?
This unpretentious plant is also called the "dollar tree". The fact is that its green leaves are associated with currency.

If you place a flower in the south-eastern part of the house and take good care of it, you can attract money and luck into your life.
This plant is called the "money tree". It will attract money if you take good care of it and talk to the plant periodically.
It is believed that the flower attracts money into the house with its aroma. During the period of lush flowering, monetary energy is especially strongly distributed.
Lemon tree
It is advisable to place the flowerpot on the south-east side. If the plant begins to bear fruit, it is a sign of good energy in the house, which indicates a favorable period for new things.