Indoor plants as amulets against the evil eye and damage: what is recommended to keep in the house

22.03.2023 05:50

Only in that house will prosperity and luck settle if it is completely protected from the evil eye and damage.

But how to choose the right powerful amulet among a large number of talismans?

The protective forces of nature come to the rescue. And indoor plants act as them. They have an anti-magic property that helps to neutralize the negative influence both in space and from evil eyes.

Which indoor plants provide the greatest protection against spoilage?

1. Roses.

They fill the atmosphere of the house with love and kindness. The thorns in the flowers are a kind of barrier that will protect from all bad actions directed at the owner of the house.

Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Geranium.

This houseplant is considered the best protector from damage. Even the aroma itself can eliminate some negative effects if they appeared after the departure of unwanted guests.

3. Tradescantia.

The plant is so strong in its energy that it can ward off ill-wishers from the house. The flower has one good function: the plant can clean and renew energy. The best place to keep the flower is the kitchen or living room.

4. Cactus.

Many people try not to keep this particular flower in their home. They are sure that the plant brings quarrels and discord to the family. Although, if it is correctly placed near the entrance door in the hallway, it can protect household members from the evil eye and damage.

There are also natural plants that take on a protective function. These can be field herbs and plants. It is recommended to place them above the entrance door in dried form. The correct action would be to stuff pillows with dried plants.

The most popular amulet plants are: nettle, fern, thistle, wormwood, garlic, St. John's wort and lemon balm. Dried or raw, these plants will become an excellent protector from trouble and illness. And under their influence, an atmosphere of well-being and joy will begin to be created.

But for the plant to work for the benefit of a person, you need to believe in its magical effect. And periodically pronounce a spell over it: "Good comes to the house, and evil goes away." And then the protection will really work.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor