The fruit harvest will rot if not treated: what is insidious and how to deal with moniliosis

09.03.2023 08:43

Fruit trees get sick, and this is not a revelation to anyone. To combat diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments and maintain order in the garden.

Mandatory work begins in early spring, when garden crops are not yet in danger. But with the arrival of permanently warm weather, the situation will change.

We will tell you how and with what to fight moniliosis so that the harvest does not rot right on the branches.

This fungal disease can destroy stone fruit crops. The spores survive the winter on trees and begin to spread with the first warm weather.

Signs of the disease are already found on the fruits. They become soft, brown, covered with white spots. The foliage becomes brown-brown and withers. Therefore, it is so important to carry out the treatment before the first ovaries appear.

Apple Rot
Photo: © Belnovosti

How to treat a garden

Important! The treatment is carried out before flowering, but first it is necessary to inspect, prune and tidy up the garden, burning the cut material.

The first treatment is carried out (especially if the disease manifested itself last season) not with folk remedies, but with fungicides.

The drug should be designed specifically to combat moniliosis. These are: "Horus", "Topsin-M", "Mikosan-V", 1% Bordeaux mixture.

The second treatment is carried out after the first flowers appear.

The third is optional and after harvesting.

You should not ignore such a simple rule as whitewashing the tree trunks in spring and autumn, and for preventive purposes, you need to plant trees at a distance of no closer than 4 meters, remove and destroy all fallen and remaining fruits on the trees, and also dig up the soil in the autumn.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor