Spray potted flowers and seedlings with a solution of 2 tablets: the plants are strong and beautiful, as one

28.02.2023 13:00

This surprisingly simple product can be used as a fertilizer for indoor plants and seedlings, flowers and vegetables.

Preparing a nutritious fertilizer is very simple; even a novice gardener can handle it.

The composition of the solution is simple: 2 tablets and water. The components are mixed and you can water.

The tablets can be bought at any pharmacy, they cost pennies, and the effect of their use is amazing.

You can spray any plants with this product, including seedlings, and there is no need to be afraid - all plantings will grow, the foliage will remain juicy and green.

Photo: Pixabay

How to properly feed seedlings and flowers

During the winter and early spring, plants and seedlings are in a stressful situation due to lack of light, dry air and temperature.

During this period, supplementary feeding is important for them, one of which is prepared on the basis of eltacin.

You will need to take 1 Eltacin tablet per 1 liter of water. The tablet contains glycine and glutamic acid, ciscin - amino acids useful for all plants.

Next, add one crushed tablet of succinic acid, the benefits of which all gardeners and flower growers have heard about.

Combine the tablets and water, stir, and after 1 hour the solution is ready.

Plants should be sprayed once every 14-21 days. The effect of using such fertilizer will be noticeable in a few days.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor