You won't be able to get rid of couch grass with a snap of your fingers, but there is one effective method.
Couch grass grows in any conditions, reproduces quickly, suppresses other plants, taking away their nutrients and water.
Every second summer resident encounters this weed, and every third dreams of getting rid of it once and for all.
However, experienced gardeners have found that it is impossible to eliminate couch grass completely. Only regular weeding helps to keep the situation under control.
But first, you need to find the root of the problem. Sometimes couch grass grows close to the plot. In this case, even after radical weeding, the weed will still appear in the near future.

Couch grass is able to stretch its thin roots over a long distance. Even raspberries cannot compare with this feature.
Therefore, first you need to inspect the adjacent territory, remove the couch grass there, and then in the vegetable garden and in the garden. By periodically weeding, you can get rid of the couch grass for a long time. At the same time, you will not have to poison the soil with poisons and sprinkle it with salt.