In the hustle and bustle of sowing and caring for the first shoots of peppers, eggplants or tomatoes, the main thing is not to forget about other, no less useful crops.
These include not only broccoli, but also celery. It is believed that the best time to plant it is February. There is not much time left.
When to Plant Celery
It is advisable to have time to do this in February, especially if there are plans to collect an early harvest. You can have time in March, but it is better not to delay.

The best way to sow
This crop has rather small seeds, which makes it difficult to distribute them evenly when sowing in the soil.
That's why summer residents have learned to sow in the snow. To do this, they fill containers with soil of a suitable composition, then 1-2 centimeters of snow, and then celery seeds.
In warm weather, the snow will melt fairly quickly and the seeds will settle into the soil.
Don't forget to cover the containers with film or other transparent material and periodically ventilate the "bed".
You shouldn't expect the seedlings to appear soon, but when they do, place the containers under phytolamps to provide additional lighting for 14-15 hours.
When several leaves appear on the shoots, transplant them.
Best days for sowing
If you believe the recommendations of the gardener's and vegetable grower's lunar calendar, then you need to devote time to sowing celery on February 25 and 26.