No More Mold in Your Houseplant Pot. Effective Methods to Get Rid of It

18.02.2023 01:30
Updated: 14.04.2023 03:42

White or black mold sometimes appears on the soil of a houseplant. You need to act immediately to prevent negative consequences.

Black mold is harmful not only to the family but also to everyone living in the house because it can cause an allergic reaction. Most often, the soil is covered with white mold due to high levels of humidity and heat.

The soil becomes dense and crusty, preventing the plant from getting the necessary amount of air.

Then the mineral composition and acidity of the soil are disrupted. If nothing is done, the flower will simply die.

Mold appears when drainage holes are missing or clogged, due to excess moisture, frequent watering and poor quality water.

Violet, flower
Photo: © Belnovosti

Methods to help remove mold

It is better to do this as soon as it appears. White mold quickly penetrates deep into the soil. First, remove the top layer of soil, and then water with a weak solution of manganese.

Add fresh soil with activated carbon, and sand on top, then water with Fitosporin-M.

To get rid of mold, you can transplant the plant into another pot, but be sure to change the soil.

Sometimes water them with Fitosporin-M to protect them from mold, fungus and to feed the plants.

Watering is carried out as needed, when the soil dries out. It also needs to be loosened regularly.

Methods to Prevent Mold

  • Pots should have drainage holes to allow excess moisture to escape.
  • Choose soil with trichoderma or charcoal.
  • Sprinkle the soil with expanded clay or sand on top.
  • Mold does not like bright light, so you need to ensure good lighting.
  • You can feed plants with an infusion of ash, which destroys mold as soon as it appears.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Methods to help remove mold
  2. Methods to Prevent Mold