How to get rid of ants on your property

16.02.2023 00:30

Many garden plots are inhabited by ants. In some places there are still few of them, but in some areas there are entire colonies. If you do not fight the insects, they will soon settle not only on the lawn, flower beds, garden beds, but also in the house.

Ants breed aphids, which eat almost everything that grows in the garden and vegetable garden. And they themselves are not averse to eating berries, flower buds, and root crops with high sugar content. Therefore, the fight against insects should begin before the appearance of dried shoots and yellowing twisted leaves on trees and bushes.

Many summer residents use folk remedies to destroy or expel ants: they sprinkle salt along ant paths and pour boiling water over anthills.

A boric acid bait helps get rid of insects. It is made from a boiled potato and 20 g of acid. After mixing these components, small balls are rolled out and placed around the anthill. A mixture of boric acid, yeast and sugar can be applied to pieces of cardboard or polyethylene. Such bait is placed near paths.

Strong-smelling liquids will drive ants out of the area. For example, a solution of ammonia (100 ml of alcohol per 1 liter of water). The upper part of the anthill is raked off, exposing the passages. It is poured with the solution and covered with film for a couple of days. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Aromatic herbs repel ants: anise, oregano, mint, dill, etc.

If simple methods do not help, then you have to use chemicals, of which there are quite a lot available.

It is preferable to use preparations in granules.

Granules - food baits - are added to the treated area, following the instructions. Then the product will not harm either plants or other inhabitants of the site. In the beds, the preparation is added under a layer of soil of 2-3 cm (10 granules per 5 m sq. are enough).

If an anthill is found, the granules are placed around it directly in the passages, a couple of granules at a time. In tree trunk circles, the preparation is embedded in the ground at 3 g per tree.

In beds with leafy vegetables and greens, it is recommended to apply chemical preparations to kill ants only during planting.

You can begin loosening, watering, and weeding the treated beds 3 days after applying the preparation.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor