What to do with strawberries after harvesting to increase yield next year

05.02.2023 05:50
Updated: 13.04.2023 20:50

To get a good strawberry harvest next year, you need to take care of them even after picking the berries.

It's quite easy to do this, cut off all the leaves on the bushes and burn them.

Reasons for pruning:

• to rejuvenate the plant;
• to remove diseased and dry leaves;
• to avoid bacterial and fungal infections;
• to reduce the number of harmful insects that have hidden for the winter;
• carry out such a useful procedure on time and choose the right time for pruning.

Strawberry pruning

It is carried out immediately after the end of fruiting so that the plant has time to grow new leaves and form buds for flowering next year.

Photo: © Belnovosti

They will go into winter strengthened and healthy, which will allow them to endure the cold winter.

Trim strawberry leaves and runners with scissors or pruning shears, but do not try to tear them off with your hands. Only strong and robust runners should be left.

Afterwards, spray the strawberry bushes against diseases with the preparations "Guard" or "Horus", and against ticks with "Neoron" or "Aktellik".

For feeding, use fertilizers containing nitrogen, manure, urea or weed infusion.

Carry out such procedures at the beginning of July. At the end of July - beginning of August, water the strawberry bushes with a yeast solution and complex fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium.

Pruning remontant strawberries

If you completely prune remontant strawberries, their fruiting period will be reduced.

Only diseased and dry leaves need to be cut off, and late flower stalks should also be cut off, as they will not be able to produce a harvest before the frost, but at the same time they take a lot of energy from the bush.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Strawberry pruning
  2. Pruning remontant strawberries