Potatoes are the most popular crop among summer residents.
Potato planting is often carried out over large areas and in the same place.
As a result, the soil becomes depleted and crop yields decrease.

Therefore, every year you should improve the composition of the soil, feed it, and when planting, add some fertilizer to the hole with potatoes.
Onion peel is perfect for this purpose. It is considered an excellent growth stimulant and helps in the fight against pests.
You can also use wood ash to improve crop fruiting and get rid of wireworms.
Dolomite and bone meal are also loved by summer residents. Such products are also suitable as a fertilizer for potatoes.
You can also get an excellent harvest of this vegetable if you pour a urea solution into the hole when planting.
Experienced gardeners note that root crops will be healthy and large if rotted manure is used when planting.
Fresh fertilizer in this case will only lead to crop loss.
An infusion based on chicken manure is also suitable as an additional feeding.