A simple way to propagate thuja from cuttings. Here's how to do it right

17.01.2023 02:30

To propagate thuja, use the simple method of cuttings.

This can be done in spring, summer, and winter, because this plant can root equally well.

The main condition is that the thuja has finished growing its young shoots.

After this, you can begin to propagate it by cuttings.

Choose a plant that is strong, healthy and mature.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Find well-developed bony branches at the top and cut or tear off several lignified two- or three-year-old shoots that are located at the ends of the branches.

In order for the cuttings to root well, there should be a small piece of bark on the torn off shoots. The cuttings should be 10-15 cm long.

Remove the needles from the bottom of the cuttings and place them in water with a growth regulator dissolved in it for 12 hours.

Then plant them in the prepared special soil. To do this, mix peat with leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1.

Place drainage at the bottom of the containers and plant, having previously dipped the lower part of the cuttings in the growth stimulator "Kornevin".

Cover them with a plastic bag or a regular plastic bottle.

Water the plants only when the substrate is completely dry.

As soon as new branches appear on the shoots of the cuttings, this means that the plants have grown roots.

Transplant young trees to permanent locations no earlier than 1-2 years.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor