How to Keep a Compost Heap Warm Even in Severe Frost

05.01.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.04.2023 06:42

During warmer months, a compost heap can rot within a few months.

If we consider the cold season, the rotting period can increase several times. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to keep the compost heap warm.


The correct composition should be thought about in advance. If it is already winter outside, it will not be possible to change the composition or somehow influence the process.

There are several rules.

  1. The bottom of the hole should be lined with small branches or chips. This layer will act as a kind of drainage and protection against soil freezing.
  2. When the compost pit is 50 centimeters full, it needs to be covered with soil. The soil layer should be from 5 to 10 centimeters.
  3. Once the layer has been created, you can continue filling.
  4. It is important to achieve diversity in the composition of the pile. The more different plant waste there is in the compost, the better.

Experienced gardeners try to add the following to the compost pit:

Photo: © Belnovosti
  • some foliage;
  • grass without seeds that can germinate;
  • sawdust;
  • hay.

When selecting materials to add to the compost pit, you should always monitor their condition. It is unacceptable if the materials are infected with fungal diseases. Particular attention should be paid to foliage.

Correct depth

Few summer residents think about deepening the compost heap. It seems that you can create a box and fill it with any plant remains throughout the season. If we talk about the warm season, then such a solution works 100%. But what about the winter?

During severe frosts, the soil begins to freeze, so the rotting processes inside the compost pit begin to slow down.

It is important to understand a simple fact: the temperature underground remains positive. Experts recommend making depressions no less than 80 centimeters, the larger the area, the better. This is a simple technique that can really protect a compost pit.

Wooden box

The walls of the compost pit can be made from any building materials that are left on the site. Most often, broken slate and other materials are used for these purposes. But do they retain heat?

Experienced summer residents recommend installing wooden fences around the perimeter. And as a cover, you can safely use plywood, slate sheets, and others. When making a fence from wood, the material should be pre-treated so that it does not rot during use.


Few people decide to fertilize their crops with pure peat. It is also worth noting that peat is not suitable for some crops. And who is stopping you from adding it to the compost pit? It can be placed at the very bottom in the fall, thereby accelerating the process of compost decomposition.


Regular straw can be called an excellent solution for such tasks. We can recall several basic characteristics of straw.

  1. Generates heat.
  2. Retains moisture.
  3. Saturates compost with essential microelements.

When using straw, you should think about ventilation. It is unacceptable to close the compost pit tightly, because the processes inside may stop.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Compound
  2. Correct depth
  3. Wooden box
  4. Peat
  5. Straw