The mole cricket is considered one of the most dangerous garden pests.
It is not always possible to overcome the invasion of this “toothy monster” even after using eradicating insecticides, notes with bitterness the expert of the online publication “BelNovosti”, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.
That is why summer residents resort to folk methods of getting rid of the mole cricket, in particular, to traps.

Dung trap
To build such a trap, you will need to dig a hole, the depth of which reaches up to 50 cm. Fill it with manure, pre-mixed with straw.
When frost sets in, dig up the trap and scatter the mole crickets found in it over the soil.
Beer Trap
A plastic bottle with the top cut off, buried at ground level, is filled one-third full with beer.
The soil around the trap is moistened, after which it is covered with slate or plywood, leaving a small gap.
Honey Trap
In this case, you will need a glass jar and honey, which you need to lubricate the inside of the container with. Bury the trap in the ground and cover it with something on top, prudently leaving a small gap.