Every person has a unique reason for acting or behaving in a certain way.
This reason will move you towards your goal.
The mind must have the power to influence you to stay motivated even when things go wrong and to endure any negative results and try again until you succeed.

If your reason is not strong, you will leave or give up after the first obstacle.
What motivates you?
Motivation can be internal or external. Most people tend to choose one path or the other, but some use both and are happy with the results. Regardless of which path you choose, your motivation should give you the opportunity to do something or not to do something. What motivates you?
Question yourself until you find the right reason or your why . It could be a sense of accomplishment, achievement, satisfaction, status, wealth, joy, etc. Anything can motivate you, but you need to find a reason that will motivate you to act immediately and endure time without positive results.
Why Some People Lose Motivation
We often change our tastes, values, lifestyle and philosophy of life, so everything is in constant change, and the same with motivation. Something like that, the reason for our motivation may lose its power, or we may lose interest in it.
We need to renew our reasons for motivation because they are expendable.
If a particular motivational cause does not have the power or influence to move us to action, we need to change or renew it.
Personality, knowledge, competence and motivation
Motivation is important, but only if you have developed the personality and relevant knowledge for any activity.
Motivation will give you energy to work, but it will not give you the knowledge and competence to do it. Also, people can be ambitious and motivated, but if they do not match their personality traits, the whole project will fail.
Motivation is an important element of success, but not the only one, if it is not supported by the right personality, knowledge and competence, it may not be enough for success.
Why People Don't Stay Motivated
It's hard to learn any skill, but it's even harder to learn how to be motivated and stay motivated.
You need to know yourself, your value system, what can influence your actions, and how to actualize your reason for motivation, and this is not easy.
Without a mentor, you will not have the necessary knowledge and competencies to understand and apply motivation. Motivation can give you energy and strength, but you must understand the process, otherwise you will give up when you encounter difficulties.
Earlier I talked about how to save money without loans.