How to become rich: stages of working on yourself

30.09.2024 10:20

Almost every modern person is concerned with the question “how to become rich?”

After all, wealth is not just a luxurious apartment or car, but also financial independence, confidence in yourself and the future .

Millions of people around the world read popular science books on psychology, attend trainings on the art of business ownership, but only a few achieve what they want.

Some people are on the right path, but lose their way halfway, while others just dream while sitting on the couch, because “thoughts materialize.”

How to become rich - there is no and cannot be a clear answer to this question. However, in order to get closer to the dream of a lifetime, you should seriously work on your psyche and habits.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First, you need to firmly set yourself the goal of becoming richer. But a goal without good reasons will not be a full-fledged goal. You should clearly understand why you need to be rich.

Some people want to get rich to ensure a decent old age, while others want to be successful with women. It doesn't matter what the motivation is, the main thing is that it is clearly understood.

Once the goal is set, you should acquire a mentor. This can be any person who has achieved financial independence.

He can be either a close friend or a stranger.

A mentor can help you avoid making the same mistakes you made yourself. This is a valuable companion on the path to wealth.

Then you should start working hard on yourself. You should review all your habits and develop those that are inherent to rich people.

They do not waste time on useless things, and he who wants to become rich must also get rid of idle pastimes.

Rich people are always concerned about their health and the quality of their food. Anyone who wants to get rich should also develop this habit.

In addition to habits, you should cultivate financial literacy. People who strive for high earnings should not buy unnecessary things and spend money on dubious entertainment.

You should learn to save. It will take a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it.

And of course, a very important factor in changing your life for the better is getting rid of your old environment.

Chances are, if you're not rich yet, the people around you are losers who are dragging you down.

Get rid of the pathetic comrades who are only good for drinking beer on Friday night.

You need to surround yourself with businesslike, practical and interesting people. You can learn a lot from them and follow their example.

Of course, becoming rich in a short time is an impossible task. It will take months and years of hard work on yourself.

There may be many obstacles along the way. However, all difficulties are surmountable for those who set themselves the goal of becoming rich at all costs.

Earlier I told you how a poor person can become rich.

Vitaly Kisterny Author: Vitaly Kisterny Editor-in-Chief