Belarusians have been promised that a new price regulation system will be developed by the end of this year.
The head of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, Alexey Bogdanov, announced this.
According to him, the system, launched at the end of 2022, constantly requires transformation and development.

Without drastic measures
He noted that today the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade is working on amendments to the Council of Ministers’ resolution on price regulation, which it will propose in the near future.
The minister says the adjustments will involve "minor technical changes."
In general, the task for next year is to develop a document that will also ensure fair pricing in the interests of the state and the people, Belta quotes the head of the department as saying.
In connection with the above, Bogdanov noted: by the end of 2024, “a new system of price regulation must be developed.”
It is expected that it will make it possible to do without strict measures to ensure fair pricing.
MART is actively working with all interested parties. It is a very difficult task, but it must be accomplished, the minister informed.
"The fat was cut off"
Speaking about the above-mentioned government decree, he said that it affected “all participants in the trading process.”
The trade link received the most stringent regulation in the form of maximum markups, he noted.
However, the manufacturer has the opportunity to increase prices for its goods, subject to economic justification and agreement with government agencies.
But, Bogdanov pointed out, today not every corresponding request is supported.
And MART sometimes cancels such decisions, thereby ensuring a “balance of interests.”
The head of the department believes that the resolution has achieved the goal set by the President of ensuring price regulation and meeting inflation parameters.
In general, we see from the profitability of producers and trade that "the fat has been cut", but the work is going on. The number of unprofitable trade organizations has decreased in the first half of the year. Now we need to move on, - said the minister.